Account Notifications & Alerts

NEW! Enhanced Notifications Now Available

Set up customized alerts within online banking or the Fidelity Bank mobile app. You have control of what notifications you want to receive, and you can set up the alerts to be sent via app notification, text alert or email message. Personalize your "do not disturb" settings based on your unique schedule!

To activate notification alerts when logged into online banking, click the "Manage Alerts" link. When in the app, select “More” from the main menu and click the “Alerts” link. With custom alerts you can:

  • Monitor account balances and activity
  • Get deposit and withdrawal notifications
  • Control security alerts
  • And much more!

Watch our video about online banking account alerts:

Interactive Video Player

Watch our video about mobile app account alerts:

Interactive Video Player

Need help getting started?


Web access is needed for mobile banking. Check with your wireless carrier for fees that may apply. You must have online banking to use mobile banking. All terms acceptable to online banking apply to mobile banking. Fidelity Bank does not charge for text banking. However, your mobile carrier may charge for sending and receiving text messages on your mobile phone. It is important to check with your mobile carrier for specific fees and charges that may apply.